+91 9890013871 / 9168062620
This year VSS is celebrating its 60th year. Vidyarthi Sahayyak Samiti (SAMITI) is a non-Government charitable organization at Pune, (Maharashtra state / India) and provides lodging, boarding facilities at a nominal cost to students (boys and girls) from economically weaker section of society coming to Pune to pursue higher education.
SAMITI also conducts various programmes aimed at personality development and character building for the benefit of the students.
www.samiti.orgEvery year, we organize a Prasad ( Food) and accommodation for 2 days at our factory for 400 Varkari’s who participate Ashadhi Ekadashi to Pandahrapur from Alandi/ Dehu .
Varkari (meaning "a pilgrim") is a sampradaya (religious movement) within the bhakti spiritual tradition of Hinduism, geographically associated with the Indian states of Maharashtra and northern Karnataka.
Engaged ‘with Kalashri Sangeet Mandal , Pune. is a non-Government charitable organization at Pune, (Maharashtra state / India) for the service of Indian Classical music.
Working as Local Management Committee Body (LMC) member with DE Societys , Technical Institute Pune. ( College of Diploma In Surface Coating Technology ) established in 1937.
Donate every year books, school dress, and school fee to needful students (minimum 20) who are economically weaker from various schools.
Communicate with students of various School and colleges to , motivate them to focus their carrier for good Entrepreneurship or business rather going for job/ service.