+91 9890013871 / 9168062620


Spray Painting Booths

Dry Type Paint Booths


A high level proficiency in a spray booth can constantly be accomplished when the capacity, size and different specifications are most suited to the sort of work to be performed.

The accompanying elements are critical while choosing the most effective booth for a particular coating component

  • The method of product handling
  • The article size that requires coating
  • The production rate or the estimation of paint consumption
  • Features

  • The maintenance is easy and simple
  • Perfect use for all sorts of paint applications
  • Paint can be arrested dry without water or chemicals
  • Balanced suction across the entire height of the booth
  • The blower helps in the suction of any over-sprayed paint through synthetic glass fibre filter or metallic filter arrester.

  • powder coating booth
    powder coating booth
    powder coating booth
    powder coating booth

    Side Draft Wet Spray Booths


    Models Dimension in (mm) Exhaust Blower Pump Tube Lights
    W/w D/d H/h Capacity M3/hr Motor Rating Cap. Watts Nos.
    DynaSpary- WW15 2000/1500 2850/1500 3600/2100 1 x 6800 1 x 3.12 KW 1.5 KW 2 x 36 1
    DynaSpary- WW21 2600/2100 2850/1500 3600/2100 1 x 7900 1 x 3.70 KW 2.25 KW 2 x 36 1
    DynaSpary- WW30 3500/3000 3250/1800 3600/2100 2 x 6800 2 x 3.12 KW 3.75 KW 2 x 36 2
    DynaSpary- WW36 4100/3600 3250/1800 3600/2100 2 x 7900 2 x 3.70 KW 3.75 KW 2 x 36 3


    1. W x D x H : Overall Width x Depth x Height
    2. w x d x h : Working Width x Depth x Height

    Larger sizes are available against specific requirements.

    Optional: Flameproof accessories are available against specific requirements.